Jon Denney

Introducing ConvertFlow’s New, One-Click Deep Data Integration with AWeber

Today, we are proud to announce that ConvertFlow now has a “deep data” integration with AWeber.

Our deep data integrations go beyond simply sending new emails collected by your forms to your email marketing app. Instead, they allow you to pass much more data to your email marketing app with new contacts you capture, while letting you trigger automations on those contacts in your email marketing app.

In addition to this, ConvertFlow’s deep data integrations allow you to personalize your website’s calls-to-action based on your contact’s data stored inside your email marketing app.

In other words, with our new AWeber integration, you can start growing your AWeber email list faster and convert more subscribers using personalized calls-to-action and on-site messages

And just in case you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, and don’t know it yet…

AWeber is an email marketing platform that allows 100,000+ small businesses and entrepreneurs to create and send emails people love.

They are one of the pioneers in the email marketing industry, and by far one of the most trusted email marketing platforms available to today’s marketers.

Here’s a quick video from their awesome team…


Connecting your AWeber account is as simple as one click from the website’s integrations area within ConvertFlow.

Once connected, you’ll be able to take advantage of the full ConvertFlow & AWeber integration, and can start stepping up both your email and on-site marketing.

Here’s how…

Capture, qualify and segment subscribers into AWeber with targeted calls-to-action and on-site messages

ConvertFlow lets you grow your email list by creating, launching & A/B testing calls-to-action on your website faster and easier than ever before. It makes it easy to build almost any type of CTA, from buttons, to forms, to on-site messages (we call them “hooks”), to exit intent popups and page sections.

ConvertFlow will automatically pass any new contacts that complete a call-to-action to AWeber, and will even capture and pass contacts to AWeber when visitors submit non-ConvertFlow forms on your site.

Trigger automations in AWeber at every step of your forms & CTAs

By connecting AWeber to ConvertFlow, you can trigger automations on your contacts in AWeber like adding or removing subscribers to your AWeber lists and adding tags when they engage with your CTAs.

Each of your CTAs can have multiple steps, buttons and forms, allowing you to show dynamic CTAs to your visitors and segment people into the right lists based on how they progress through your CTAs. This way, you can retarget your visitors with the right CTAs, and follow up the right emails in AWeber.

Convert returning AWeber subscribers into paying customers by displaying the right CTAs to visitors based on their AWeber lists

You can target specific people on your website with personalized CTAs based on their lists in AWeber, and combine that with targeting based on their behavior, along with the pages they’ve visited, location, referral source, and what else you know about them.

Once you’ve connected your AWeber account, ConvertFlow’s campaign targeting conditions now include AWeber targeting options, such as…

  • If person is subscribed to list in AWeber
  • If person is NOT subscribed to list in AWeber

This is a big step forward for marketers, and we’re really excited to partner with AWeber to make it happen.

Automation Queues run automations in AWeber on people who visit your website, even before they become contacts

We can all agree that it would be really useful to be able to tag visitors in AWeber and move them into the right lists based on the products they viewed, or blog posts they read before they submitted an email form.

With the ConvertFlow + AWeber integration, now you can, using a feature called Automation Queues.

As visitors engage with your CTAs and visit your pages, you can build a queue of automations you want to run in AWeber when they become subscribers, such as adding them to specific lists and adding specific tags.

This way, as new subscribers are added to your AWeber email list, they are properly segmented from the very beginning.

Auto-populate AWeber with researched subscriber data and lead attribution

ConvertFlow will also automatically research every email you capture, and auto populates AWeber with researched data on your subscribers.

That means that now, you can send more personalized emails using data like the contact’s first name, company, job title, city and more, without having to sacrifice conversions by capturing it via a long form.

Plus, ConvertFlow will automatically capture and pass first-touch attribution data on your contacts. Some examples are:

  • Referral URL
  • First visit URL
  • First submission URL
  • UTM Source
  • UTM Medium
  • UTM Campaign
  • UTM Term
  • UTM Content

When an anonymous visitor is identified as a contact, by them submitting a ConvertFlow form or submitting their email address to any form on your website, ConvertFlow will automatically tie this key data to their contact record, and pass it to AWeber to be stored in the contact’s matching custom fields.

Never ask a visitor or AWeber contact for the same info twice by using Progressive Profiling

An important part of showing people the right CTAs on your website is not having to ask for information you’ve already collected.

That’s why ConvertFlow’s progressive profiling feature automatically remembers data you’ve collected on visitors and can hide prefilled fields in your forms.

This way, you never have to ask a visitor for the same info twice, AND it automatically gets passed to AWeber as they submit new information.

Real-time email validation prevents people from using bad email addresses

As an email marketer, you probably know how important it is to protect your sender reputation if you want to sustain a high email deliverability score.

If you have a big email list and want to prevent incorrect or fake emails from being added to your AWeber account, just switch on ConvertFlow’s real-time email validation, and it will automatically verify whether an email address is valid or not before passing it to AWeber.

And much more!

If you want to dive in and learn more, then follow these 3 action steps:

1) Sign up for ConvertFlow’s Free Plan & AWeber’s Free Trial to launch your next marketing campaign today.

2) Watch the video of the webinar training Tom Tate from AWeber and Ethan Denney from ConvertFlow did, showing you how to use the ConvertFlow + AWeber deep data integration to grow your email list and convert more subscribers using personalized calls-to-action and on-site messages.


3) Check out our help docs showing you how to get the most out of the ConvertFlow + AWeber deep data integration

  1. Targeting website visitors by AWeber lists
  2. How to map fields to AWeber
  3. How to connect your AWeber account
  4. How to segment leads and trigger automations in AWeber
  5. How to refresh your AWeber data
About the author
Jon Denney
Co-Founder, ConvertFlow
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Jonathan Denney leads product at ConvertFlow. After running a marketing agency with his brother Ethan Denney, Jonathan & Ethan co-founded ConvertFlow to help brands build funnels without code or waiting on developers. Since then, ConvertFlow's no-code funnel builder has helped launch 200k+ funnels, across brands such as Volkswagen, HausLabs, CampingWorld and more.