Jon Denney

New in November: Video Backgrounds, Improved Targeting, New Integrations & More 🙌

Now that we’re knee-deep into Fall, it’s time we do a quick recap on all that’s new at ConvertFlow.

Since July, the ConvertFlow community has nearly doubled in size. Hooray!

And yet, while we’ve been kicking into growth mode, we’ve also continued to steadily release product updates.

Ready to see what’s new? Let’s dive in…

Introducing Video Backgrounds


If your landing pages and website theme can have video backgrounds, why couldn’t your website CTAs?

Well, now they can! If you’ve ever wanted to grab your visitors’ attention and draw their eye to your CTA, this is a damn good way to do it.

Now, in ConvertFlow’s CTA builder, you’ll find a dropdown to adjust styling for each CTA section background.

Just click “Section Underlay” to add background styles for the underlay behind your section columns.

You’ll also notice the “Section Underlay Video” field.

When you paste any YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia URL in this field, ConvertFlow will perform some tech magic


and voilà! It’ll now display a video background for your CTA.

Introducing ConvertFlow’s seamless Google Analytics integration

At ConvertFlow, our #1 objective is to help you succeed as a pro marketer. And the key to success as a marketer, is having full insight into how your visitors are interacting with your website.

If you’re like most marketers, Google Analytics is your go-to-software for getting insights into your website traffic and behavior.

Now, if you have both the ConvertFlow tracking code and the Google Analytics tracking code placed on your site, ConvertFlow will automatically create GA events under the “ConvertFlow” category.

The event labels are conveniently named by your ConvertFlow CTA steps (along with the variant), making it so you can easily drill down in GA and get granular reports on how your visitor segments are engaging with each CTA variant & step.

To read more, head to the help doc –

Introducing ConvertFlow’s WordPress integration

If you use WordPress, then being able to target your CTAs to visitors by your posts, pages and categories, is a must.

Because of this, we knew we needed to unlock WordPress targeting options for ConvertFlow users running on WordPress.

However, we didn’t want to create the issue of requiring everyone to install a WordPress plugin, and have to leave the ConvertFlow interface just to be able to set up CTA targeting conditions.

Instead, we’ve made it possible to simply connect ConvertFlow to your WordPress site using a user account.

Once a user account is connected, you’ll find new WordPress targeting condition types ready to go, allowing you to target your visitors based on the WordPress posts, pages and categories they’re visiting. And you can set up these targeting conditions, without needing to leave the interface! Sweet, huh?

To set this up, here’s more info –

New CRM targeting conditions for lifecycle CTAs

When building targeting conditions, you’ll notice a couple of new condition types that make targeting by ConvertFlow custom field values possible without an email marketing integration.

You’ll also find a convenient condition for targeting your CTA campaigns based on whether someone is an identified contact or not.

New deep integrations: Klaviyo, Campaign Monitor & Ontraport

Introducing our deep integration with Klaviyo

Hey ecommerce marketer! This one is for you :)

If you use an ecommerce platform like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, etc, then automating sending hyper-personalized emails to your customers is a must.

Email marketing companies like Klaviyo, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign, Drip, etc, are now integrating deep with customer data platforms, helping you build better audiences and send more personalized emails to your customers.

We’ve reached a new era in ecommerce marketing. Now, anyone can build the perfect tool stack for hyper-personalized marketing automation.

Here’s how the ConvertFlow & Klaviyo integration looks…

ConvertFlow gets more leads from your website into your email marketing software, and maps over their valuable contact, social and marketing attribution data, and triggers automations to segment your leads into the right audiences based on their CTA interactions.

And with your email marketing software, you can build contact segments using ConvertFlow data, and using the customer data from your ecommerce platform through your email app’s integrations.

For example, if you use Klaviyo, you can quickly integrate your Shopify store and define contact segments based on purchase data, cart abandonment, etc.

Now, with the ConvertFlow & Klaviyo integration, you can further define your segments using more contact details, such as custom fields, social data, first-touch attribution data and UTMs.

Then, on the ConvertFlow side, you can start using on-site retargeting to show hyper-personalized CTAs to your customers, based on their Klaviyo list memberships & segments.

Introducing our deep integration with Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is cooking up their own take on unified customer data segments. And now, with ConvertFlow’s new Campaign Monitor integration, you can segment your leads into lists and target them on your website based on their Campaign Monitor subscriber data.

See more about how it works here –

Introducing our deep integration with Ontraport

Using Ontraport for marketing automation? We’ve got you covered too


By connecting Ontraport to ConvertFlow, you can sync leads, map contact form fields and trigger automations in Ontraport, all from within ConvertFlow. Also, with ConvertFlow’s on-site retargeting features, you can target your Ontraport contacts on your website with the right CTAs based on their Ontraport tags.

See more about how it works here –

One more thing: Introducing ConvertFlow’s JavaScript API

If you’re using ConvertFlow for a web app or membership site, we’ve created a simple JavaScript API you can use to…

  • Access ConvertFlow’s personalization data for dynamic content personalization
  • Quickly identify website visitors as contacts using a known user’s email address
  • Access contact fields after form submissions in real-time
  • Re-initialize CTA campaign targeting (for one-page apps)

And that’s it for this update folks!

We can’t wait to see how you use these new features and integrations to power your marketing campaigns.

If you have any questions or would like help getting any of these new features implemented, reach out to us at Our team of ConvertFlow ninjas are ready to assist you!

About the author
Jon Denney
Co-Founder, ConvertFlow
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Jonathan Denney leads product at ConvertFlow. After running a marketing agency with his brother Ethan Denney, Jonathan & Ethan co-founded ConvertFlow to help brands build funnels without code or waiting on developers. Since then, ConvertFlow's no-code funnel builder has helped launch 200k+ funnels, across brands such as Volkswagen, HausLabs, CampingWorld and more.