Jon Denney

Announcing ConvertFlow’s Targeting Sync for Infusionsoft

In case you haven’t noticed, ConvertFlow packs some powerful targeting conditions, especially if you’re an Infusionsoft user.

Why? Well because you can show targeted “onsite” Calls-To-Action to contacts based on their Infusionsoft tags.

However, before today, these conditions only applied to your website visitors if and when they submitted a ConvertFlow form.

This is because ConvertFlow needs to know who the visitor is in your Infusionsoft app, by cross-referencing them to their Infusionsoft contact record, before Infusionsoft tag-based targeting conditions apply.

But what about all of your existing Infusionsoft subscribers?

I mean, they’ve already opted-in on your site before, so shouldn’t you be able to target them by their tags before they submit a ConvertFlow form?

Of course you should.

And that’s why today, we’re announcing a totally new feature called “Targeting Sync for Infusionsoft”.

Here’s how you can start using ConvertFlow’s Targeting Sync for Infusionsoft to show CTAs to your existing Infusionsoft subscribers based on their tags.


With our new Targeting Sync feature, you can easily tell ConvertFlow who your subscribers are, and immediately start showing them the right CTAs based on their Infusionsoft tags.

All you need to do to begin using ConvertFlow to target your existing Infusionsoft list subscribers by their tags, is set your Infusionsoft email broadcast links to send your subscribers’ contact data to your website through the URL.

Using the legacy broadcast tool
Within Infusionsoft's legacy broadcast tool this is very easy, all you have to do is check an option while hyperlinking your text in your email broadcasts and templates. This way, Infusionsoft can pass the subscribers’ contact data through the URL when they click through to your site.

infusionsoft-action-link (1)

Using the new broadcast tool
You can also do this with the new broadcast tool, by adding ?Id=~Contact.Id~ to the end of all of your Infusionsoft email's links.

infusionsoft-action-link (1)

ConvertFlow then instantly recognizes the URL data, and uses it to remember who they are. What’s great is this new function lets you target contacts by their Infusionsoft tags BEFORE they actually submit a ConvertFlow form.

In other words, your Infusionsoft tag targeting conditions will immediately start to apply the moment a contact clicks your special email link, so you can start showing different CTAs to each subscriber the moment they click through to your site.

Cool, right?

Let us know if you have any thoughts, or questions on this feature!

About the author
Jon Denney
Co-Founder, ConvertFlow
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Jonathan Denney leads product at ConvertFlow. After running a marketing agency with his brother Ethan Denney, Jonathan & Ethan co-founded ConvertFlow to help brands build funnels without code or waiting on developers. Since then, ConvertFlow's no-code funnel builder has helped launch 200k+ funnels, across brands such as Volkswagen, HausLabs, CampingWorld and more.