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How to Create a Survey on Shopify

Shopify surveys help you understand how customers perceive your brand and what made them buy. And they can help you gather valuable zero-party data for personalization.

To build a survey for your online store, you’ll need a third-party app that integrates with Shopify. That’s where ConvertFlow’s survey builder comes in.

ConvertFlow is a no-code drag-and-drop funnel builder for Shopify stores. It integrates with Shopify and other essential ecommerce tools in your stack. It allows you to create all your on-site campaigns in one place including surveys, quizzes, popups, forms, landing pages, and more to support your business growth.

Creating a Shopify survey is easy. Build your own with this step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Pick a template for your Shopify survey

ConvertFlow’s survey template library has a ton of customizable templates for different use cases and goals. You can also add a Shopify survey to any template if you’d rather browse popup or landing page templates.

You can build:

  • Post-purchase surveys to gather feedback and understand your customers
  • Email & SMS popups with surveys to segment subscribers
  • Abandonment popups with survey elements to help solve issues the customer may be facing
  • And more

When you find a template that best suits your needs, click “Use this Template.”

Then, follow the on-screen instructions to create a free ConvertFlow account, or log in if you've already signed up.

We’ll use a post-purchase survey template, but the process is similar no matter your use case:

💡 Check out six post-purchase survey examples to learn what top ecommerce brands do with their surveys.

Step 2: Choose a campaign format

The template you choose may have multiple campaign formats—like popups, landing pages, and embeds. In our case, the template we chose has just one:

Campaign format options in ConvertFlow. The template we chose has one option: "Overlay Popup."

So we’ll select “Overlay Popup” and then “Use Template.” Then name your campaign to get started.

Step 3: Edit your Shopify survey’s theme

After setting your campaign’s name, you’ll be taken to the ConvertFlow builder with your chosen template ready to customize:

The ConvertFlow builder

We’ll start by setting the campaign’s theme. Then, every element across the campaign will match. And any new elements you add will follow the theme, too.

If you want certain elements to be a different style than the theme, you can always edit the style of specific elements to override theme-level settings.

Click “Theme” in the right-side panel to edit your theme:

Theme tab in ConvertFlow

Here, you’ll see every element type where you can set colors, sizing, fonts, and more.

Let’s update the color of the buttons on our survey. Click “Buttons.” Then, update the color to suit your brand:

Button theme settings in ConvertFlow

You’ll notice all the buttons in your form have updated with that color—especially helpful for surveys with multiple steps!

Continue like that, editing each element’s theme so that it’s appropriate for your brand.

Feel free to skip elements you won’t use. But if you change your mind later, be sure to come back here to update your theme.

Step 4: Customize your survey’s content

Surveys are usually pretty straightforward to edit. For most brands, you’ll likely just be editing your questions and adding or deleting steps.

But you can also add additional elements like images, email forms, or other CTAs if you’d like.

To make changes to an element, just click on what you want to change and the side panel will show you all the options you have to customize it.

For example, let’s say we want to add “podcast” as a survey option to the first question because we sponsor podcasts.

If we click on the survey element, the side panel will open with the existing field options that appear in the survey:

Field settings and options for a survey element

Type “Podcast” where it says “New option” and tap enter.

A modal will pop up giving you the option to customize the:

  • Label: What the shopper sees
  • Data Value: What you see on the back end
  • Visual Type: If you want to add a visual element to your button like an emoji or image.
Field settings for a new survey option

The default works for us, so we’ll click “Done.”

You can re-order the survey options by clicking and dragging them in the sidebar:

Reordering survey options in the survey element

👉 Learn more about ConvertFlow’s drag-and-drop builder.

Step 5: Add or remove survey questions

To add or remove survey questions, hover over an existing step. Click the copy icon to add a question or the trash icon to remove one:

The edit, copy, and delete icons that appear when hovering over a campaign step in ConvertFlow.

If you’ve copied a question, you can now edit any buttons and fields to suit your new question.

Exactly how this works depends on which integration you’re using (e.g. to sync to your email & SMS subscriber database). Read more on how to map fields to different integrations in the help docs. We’ll assume you’re syncing to your Klaviyo database for now.

Let’s say we want to ask our customers who they bought for today.

In our copied question, we’ll start by updating the headline:

Editing the headline

Then we’ll update our survey element.

Select the survey element. Then, click the dropdown menu under “Map To Custom Field” and select “New Field Name +.”

Give it a short name that describes the question in this step:

Setting the survey field name

Then, update your field options with the correct survey answers. Click the pencil icon to update the data value in your back end as well:

Updating field options for the survey element

Otherwise it will be marked the same as the response as the question you copied it from.

Click the “x” icon next to any extra field options you don’t need.

Our updated question looks like this once set up:

New question with the correct field options

Your copied question will have been added automatically as the last step in your survey.

To change the order of your steps in the builder, click “Steps” in the right-side panel. Click to drag the steps into your desired order or use the up-down arrows to set the order.

In our case, we want the new question to be the last in our series before the thank you message:

Reordering campaign steps in ConvertFlow

Note: This will not determine the order your questions appear to the site visitor. We’ll cover that in the next step.

We’ll also take this opportunity to rename the step to accurately describe the new question.

To do that, click anywhere in the step outside of the actual campaign and update the Step Name field:

Editing the name of the step


Name each step of your Shopify survey if you haven’t already. That will be useful for setting up the logic flow of the questions later.

Step 6: Update button actions

If you didn’t add, remove, or reorder questions, you can skip this section. But there’s a good chance you made some updates, so you’ll want to make sure questions are being delivered in the intended order.

Once a shopper clicks a button at each step, they should be taken to the next logical question in the series. However, you’ll want some answers to lead to a conditional branch to learn more before continuing your series of questions.

For example, in question 1 ("How did you first hear about our brand?"), if someone chooses “Other” they’ll be directed to step 2 in the template:

Step 2 in the survey template

And if they choose “Social media” as their answer to the first question, they’ll be taken to step 3 to narrow down which social media platform the shopper found out about the brand on:

Step 3 in the survey template

All other responses to the first question will continue through to step 5 right away.

There are no conditional branches after step 5, so the survey taker will proceed to steps 6 & 7 thereafter.

However, this flow needs to be set so shoppers are taken down the correct path.

To do that, you’ll set up button actions for each question in your survey.

To set up button actions, click on the survey or button element in the first step. Then click “Manage Actions:”

The "Manage Actions" button for a survey element

Leave the Default Confirmation Action Type as “Jump to a funnel step” and set “Default Funnel Step To Jump To” to the step most answers will lead to.

If any of the answers lead to different paths, update their selection paths below to the appropriate step, leaving the other responses set to “Default step.”

In the case of the question we added in the last step, we want all responses to lead to the thank you message. So our Manage Actions panel will look like this:

The Manage Actions panel with the default set to the thank you message step.

Click “Done” to save.

Continue like this for each step in your survey. Even if you made one change to the survey like we did, you’ll want to verify that the appropriate logic is set up at each step anyways.

For example, even though we set up our new question to lead to the thank you message, the step before that now needs to be configured to lead to the new question instead of the thank you message.

Here’s what a more complex step looks like using the first question as an example:

The manage actions panel with multiple pathways depending on the answer a survey taker chooses.

The default sends survey takers to step 5. And “Social media” and “Other” are set up to send shoppers down different paths.

Step 7: Preview your Shopify survey

Now every step of your Shopify survey is set up 🔥

When you’re happy with it, save and publish your changes. Then click “Preview” to test out your survey:

Campaign preview screen

On this page, you can interact with your survey just like a shopper would on your website.

The only difference is, automations won’t run. So you can click options and submit the form without that data being tracked in your database.

Step 8: Connect your Shopify store to ConvertFlow

Integrating Shopify with ConvertFlow will make it easy to launch your Shopify survey—and any other campaigns you build in ConvertFlow.

To connect your Shopify store, go to your website’s dashboard in ConvertFlow. Click “Settings,” then “Integrations” in the navigation on the left.

Find Shopify and click “Connect”:

The integrations menu in ConvertFlow, highlighting Shopify

This will take you to ConvertFlow's app listing on Shopify. Click "Add app" and follow the instructions to integrate your store with ConvertFlow.

The ConvertFlow script will be added to your store automatically.

Step 9: Launch your Shopify survey

When you’re ready to get your survey live on your website, head back to ConvertFlow’s campaign builder and click “Launch”.

Depending on the campaign type you chose, you’ll have different targeting options:

  • Popups and site messages: You can set which pages and visitor segments see your popup
  • Embeds: Copy the embed code and paste it onto the Shopify page you want to add it to. Or choose advanced targeting options to choose where it displays and to which visitor segments.
  • Landing pages: Customize your URL and link to it wherever you’d like (e.g. your site menu, in emails, or on specific pages).

👉 Learn more about creating visitor segments and targeting options in ConvertFlow.

For our popup, we’ll set the campaign to show on the thank you page:

Campaign targeting options in ConvertFlow

With your code placed and any targeting conditions set, toggle the campaign activation switch to turn the campaign on.

Congrats! Your Shopify survey is live 🚀 Customer responses will be recorded in your campaign’s dashboard.

Create Shopify surveys with ConvertFlow

In ConvertFlow, you can build all the Shopify surveys you need without the help of a developer. ConvertFlow gives you the flexibility and advanced functionality to create surveys for different marketing campaigns, like:

  • Post-purchase surveys
  • Feedback surveys
  • Abandonment campaigns
  • Personalization surveys

Plus, you can split-test an unlimited number of variants to find the best performing versions of your surveys to ensure you’re not losing too many people at each stage.

Create a free ConvertFlow account to build your Shopify surveys today.

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