B2B Landing Pages

B2B Landing Pages

B2B Landing Page Examples & Templates

Got a product or service you're selling in the B2B space? Here are six incredible B2B landing page examples to help you convince visitors to take action. Plus, we've got some customizable templates you can get started with today.

There’s no denying that a landing page is a great way to convert people on your website. And if you're operating in the B2B space, it's no different.

You can optimize that page for SEO. Run paid ads to it. Or use whatever options available to drive an influx of traffic.

Either way, a good landing page is what's going to turn that traffic into leads and customers for your B2B company.

But what does a good B2B landing page look like? And how do you create one that actually converts people once they land there—be that in terms of booking a product demo, taking a free trial, or buying a product? 

In this guide, we’ll share six great B2B landing page examples that you can draw inspiration from, with ready-to-use templates to help create yours in minutes 😎

What is a B2B landing page?

A B2B landing page is a page on a B2B business’ website that gives information on a particular product, feature, or campaign. B2B companies can direct traffic to these pages in order to persuade visitors to take a specific action.

You can create B2B landing pages for various things—like a service you offer, a webinar you’re hosting, or a feature your business customers are researching. They help you rank in search for the terms its optimized for, and often ask people to do something in relation to the topic you’re discussing.

6 B2B landing page examples

Before you start creating your own, let’s take a look at six different B2B landing page examples (and talk about why they’re so great).

1. ConversionXL’s B2B agency landing page

Every landing page should prioritize content above the fold. And that’s exactly what this landing page on ConversionXL’s website does:

You’ll see a bold heading that grabs your attention, and talks about an issue you’re facing (which their product solves).

But what’s so great about this B2B landing page example is the fact it’s unusual: You don’t see many landing pages that are strictly text-based.

This one has a few paragraphs of sentences above a contact form. The body doesn’t have any images, nor fancy graphics. Just plain text that helps a lead qualify whether they should buy the product the landing page advertises.

If a lead does self-qualify, and they’ve scrolled through the content looking for a way to take action, CXL adds social proof—in the form of testimonials—beside the contact form. It’s the last nudge someone might need to take action.

2. Shopify’s B2B integrations landing page

Here’s another great B2B landing page example from Shopify, which has created a standalone page to talk about its Facebook and Instagram integrations:

But unlike landing pages created to attract leads and push them towards buying something, Shopify has created a landing page for its existing customers.

Chances are, it’s a question Shopify's customer support teams get asked about a lot. So, instead of having them talk customers through the integrations one-by-one, they’ve built a landing page for customers to help themselves.

The “install Facebook” button opens their online account and walks them through instructions.

(They don’t alienate potential customers altogether, though. There’s a secondary call-to-action beneath the main button for people who don’t already have a Shopify account.)

3. Databox’s B2B solutions landing page

We’ve already mentioned that you can create B2B landing pages for different features, products, or services. But, you could also create different landing pages for the types of customers you’re targeting, like Databox does with this agency landing page:

There’s all the standard features of a great B2B landing page. But what we love about this example is the variety of options available. 

Usually, landing pages have one main call-to-action. Yet Databox uses three different calls-to-action on its agency landing page. It helps widen the net of people who’ll take action, and gives people a personalized onboarding sequence that they’ve already said they want (rather than booking calls with every new lead).

4. Copyhackers’ B2B academy landing page

If any B2B brand can prove that landing pages don’t have to be boring and stale, it’s Copyhackers. They’ve created a landing page with an SEO-optimized headline (including their most important keyword, “copywriting courses”):

But as you scroll down the screen, you’ll notice that it takes an unusual format. Copyhackers places social proof front and center of its B2B landing pages, with customer testimonials and logos of brands who’ve taken the course taking up the main part of the page:

Copyhackers social proof examples

Another great thing about this B2B landing page, though, is the end call-to-action:

Copyhackers chat CTA

It doesn’t ask every visitor to handover their cash in return for a course. Copyhackers understands that leads might have objections about buying its product. So, they have a live chat box at the bottom of the page that promises one of the team can answer any questions.

5. Val Geisler’s B2B service landing page

Service providers also need B2B landing pages if they’re offering services to other companies. Take Val Geisler’s page, for example:

It has a bright, clear photo of her, and the types of services she offers in the main headline. 

However, Val’s B2B landing page also doesn’t have the typical format of a service page. She uses the page as a way to build trust with her visitors—and convince them to hire her.

That’s why a case study forms the bulk of the website copy. She talks leads through how she did this service for another company, and the results she got from it. 

Further down the page, she answers common questions her leads might have before enquiring. There’s a section on her process, her rates and availability, and how to get started.

Nobody leaves the page with a question left unanswered.

6. FreeAgent’s B2B invoicing landing page

Accounting is a boring topic, right? You wouldn’t think that if you landed on one of FreeAgent’s B2B landing pages. FreeAgent makes complex topics easy for its target customer to understand, and showcases how its product can help people make their accounting easier.

Let’s take FreeAgent’s page on invoicing, for example:

It has two call-to-action buttons above the fold, ready to capture two types of visitor:

  1. People ready to take action (try FreeAgent for free)
  2. People who want more information (watch the video)

It’s very obvious that this B2B landing page example was written for FreeAgent’s target customer. It references their pain points throughout—like how difficult it is to send professionally-created invoices in the legal space, even if they've been able to hire an accountant to do a lot of the leg work for them.

That’s what customers need to hear before they convert.

B2B landing page templates

Are you ready to create your own B2B landing page for your product, service, or customer profile? We’ve got good news.

ConvertFlow's landing page template library has a range of options perfectly suited to companies operating in the B2B space. You’ll find tons of high-quality B2B landing page templates ready for you to get started with today.

All you’ll need to do is customize the landing page using our visual editor, and launch it on your website. Simple as that.

Here's a few templates to consider:

About the author
Elise Dopson
Contributor, ConvertFlow
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Elise is a writer at ConvertFlow, and expert in B2B marketing. She's been featured in publications like ConversionXL, HubSpot, CoSchedule, Content Marketing Institute, Databox, and more. You'll usually find her cooking up some high-quality content for the ConvertFlow blog or campaign library.